What is SWPBS?

School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) is a school- wide framework for developing and explicitly teaching appropriate and positive behaviours. SWPBS comprises a broad range of systemic and individualised strategies for achieving important student social; and learning outcomes, while also preventing problem behaviour among students.

SWPBS practices and interventions have been designed using research and evidence that have been demonstrated to be effective. Introducing, modelling, and reinforcing positive social behaviour is an important step of a student’s educational experience. Teaching behavioural expectations and acknowledging students for following them is a much more positive approach than waiting for misbehavior to occur before responding.


Ashburton Primary School nurtures a positive climate for learning where students aspire to be their best, are challenged and engage cognitively, emotionally, socially and physically.

Many teachers implement wonderful, creative, fun and effective behaviour management systems in their classrooms. SWPBS is a collaborative effort that actively involves all staff members in a school; teachers, ES, paraprofessionals, and students. This cooperative approach recognizes the critical importance of consistency across people and settings in creating safe schools and effective learning environments. When linked to a broader system of behavioural supports, effective classroom management strategies and techniques become even more effective and efficient. This makes the work of the classroom teacher easier and the school experience of the student more positive.

The school expectations- Be Respectful, Be Safe and Be a Learner are supported by the student Behaviour Matrix and the Behaviour Management Flowchart. These documents provide the basis upon which behaviours are expected and the appropriate procedures to follow to manage inappropriate behaviour. These expectations were adopted in consultation with school staff, students and the Ashburton community. The specific set of behaviours that are pro social and focus on prevention and early intervention were developed in consultation with staff and students.


APS Expectations

Be Respectful
Respecting self and others, school and community property.

Be Safe
Being safe in everything we do around the school and online.

Be a Learner
Being curious, having high standards, striving to do our best, and allowing others the opportunity to learn.

A clear structure of positive reinforcements, which includes rewards is essential in complementing and encouraging appropriate behaviour and preventing inappropriate behaviour.

SWPBS programs are determined by up to date research as well as analysis of school data and input from all stakeholders of the school community. Evaluation and refining of our current systems will be done on a regular and as needs basis.

As part of our School Wide Positive Behaviour Support framework, Ashburton Primary School has a focus on teaching appropriate behaviours to all students and developing a consistent approach to managing inappropriate behaviours. All members of the school community (staff, students, parents and visitors) are expected to model appropriate behaviours as set out in the behaviour matrix.

 We believe that positive relationships are imperative in creating successful learning environments. School wide systems and procedures that have beendeveloped in schools to achieve success are:

1. Behavioural expectations are defined
A small number of clearly defined common behavioural expectations are defined in positive, simple rules displayed in our matrix.

2. Behavioural expectations are taught
The behavioural expectations are taught to all students and are taught in real contexts. Specific behaviours of positive behaviours are taught.

3. Appropriate behaviours are acknowledged
Once appropriate behaviours have been defined and taught, they need to be acknowledged on a regular basis- verbally, through individual rewards and shared rewards.

4. Behavioural errors are corrected positively
When students violate behavioural expectations, clear procedures are needed for providing information to them that their behaviour was not acceptable. The correct behaviour is explained and taught directly from the matrix.

Visit our school to see our SWPBS board and the rewards students may receive if they show these Positive Behaviours.

Link to SWPBS Handbook

Link to Updated Matrix