Our iPad Program

What is a 1-1 iPad program?

Put simply, a 1-1 (also known as Bring Your Own Device Program) is a situation where students bring, each day, a device for their personal use in the classroom. In this case the device would be an iPad.  

Why does the school have a 1-1 program?

Digital learning is an important part of education today. When combined with quality teaching, the purposeful and effective use of digital technologies improves learning. With the current set up of class sets in rooms (at a ratio of around 4 students per device), we are able to do so much, but for the experience to be truly transformative and the learning truly personalised we are proposing moving into a 1-1 program. 


What advantages are there of a 1-1 program over class sets?

Personalised Learning

The personalisation of learning is a growing focus in education. Allowing students to shape their learning  results in increased engagement and greater outcomes. Having their own device allows, firstly on a superficial level, for students to set up their device in the way that best suits them, be it font size, keyboard layout or assistance settings. On a deeper level, students become responsible for managing their own device, for curating and tending to a growing repository of learning and finally for choosing the ways in which to implement and display their learning. Using their own iPad in these ways all strongly align with students becoming powerful agents in charge of their own learning, something that is greatly reduced in shared device environments.

Home-school partnerships

An exciting component of a 1-1 program is the chance for students to share their learning journey with their families. By physically taking home the device each day, students have the opportunity to show parents the work done in the day or the week. Instead of just sharing the finished piece at the end of term, students can show the steps they have undertaken as they work towards their rich learning task in near real time.

Resource management

While iPads are a wonderful tool, they don’t lend themselves as easily to be a shared device. Even with the advancements in cloud and online storage, many aspects of the iPad use is still focussed locally on the device (particularly large media files such as movies and music). A 1-1 program relieves those difficulties by allowing each student to manage their own portfolio of files and media on their own device.

What about if I don’t want it at home?

While we are excited about the opportunity to build home-school connections using iPads, we understand some families may have made the conscious decision to make their home a “device” or “iPad” free environment. They are therefore uncomfortable with having an iPad in their homes. Some possible solutions to this could be to keep it stored away when at home or, depending on the situation, leaving it at school.

I’m worried about screen time. How would that be managed?

The amount of time students spend in front of screens is an important consideration both in school and outside of school. The Department of Health advises that sedentary recreational screen time should be limited to 2 hours a day for primary aged students (link here). These guidelines cover recreational screen time and are separate from educational screen time. Despite the separation, we are still mindful of the strain that extended use of screen viewing can have on the eyes, as we are also aware of the importance of providing a variety of tasks and approaches for students. The use of iPads in classrooms will vary both in time and focus, so that often usage will be incidental to the task; think of glancing back and forth between an iPad displaying information and a workbook being used to take notes. Other times may be watching short video clips of no more than 10 minutes in length, whereas other times the work will be more focused and directed towards the iPad, such as when movies or multimedia products are being created. We do not envisage a huge jump in the amount of screen time over and above what we currently see when using our class sets. In the latest iOS update (15), the iPad now has the facility to keep track of screen time. Parents would be able to access this information from their child’s iPad on a regular basis in a much easier manner that is possible using our class sets.

I’m worried about managing the device. Often I feel like my kids know more about it than me!

This is not an unusual situation to be in. Whilst many parents are confident in managing devices, others are unsure and would appreciate assistance. In 2020 and 2021 Ashburton Primary School hosted a session from IT and Coffee, a local service that specifically tailors presentations to parents on ways to safeguard their children’s devices. It was well received by attending parents are we would be keen to offer another similar session in the future. Also, the eSmart Program we will undertake in 2025 involves parental sessions too, providing an another opportunity for parents to be further informed.  

Can I install my own apps?

As long as the apps are appropriate for school, apps to use at home are perfectly fine to install and use at home. In school time, we will be using a range of carefully selected apps for educational purposes.

Isn’t it unsafe for students to be transporting iPads to school?

Experience here and overseas has shown that there are very few incidents while students travel to school. Students will be encouraged to always ensure that their iPad is inside its protective cover and safely inside their zipped school bag. The opportunity for a police visit to talk to the students on travel safety could also be organised.

Will the students stop handwriting?

No. The development of handwriting will continue to be part of our curriculum. Students will be handwriting in a range of situations – short note taking or brainstorming through to longer form written responses and narratives.

How much time will students spend on their iPads?

The iPad is an educational tool. A powerful, enriching tool, but just part of the greater collection of tools that classrooms use to engage and enlighten. As such, iPads will not be used exclusively on every task, to do so would be to ignore the need to learn through doing, to learn through activity, to handwrite, to use pen and paper and a variety of other ways that children learn and interact with teachers and each other.

How does the management of the device work?

iPads would be “enrolled” through the school’s management software (Mosyle). This is as easy as visiting a website and following the instructions to install several profiles onto the iPad. Once installed, apps can easily be “pushed”  student iPads without the need for families to be involved.  During the program, apps would be supplied to students iPads. When they leave the school, the apps would be “returned” to the school via the management software to be deployed to another student.

Inside the classroom, teachers would use the Apple Classrooms app to monitor and control aspects of student iPads (locking screens, controlling volume, locking specific apps open, viewing screens). Apple Classrooms only controls student iPads in the physical location of the classroom (it works via Bluetooth). Why begin in Year 3? Why not start in other year levels?

Some schools run 1-1 programs from Prep upwards, others only in Years 5 and 6. We have made the decision to start in Years 3 and grow the program towards year 6 for several reasons -  

It allows this cohort to develop the requisite skills in managing their own device from an earlier age, which as they go up from the school they can refine. Starting in Years 5 and 6 would give students and teachers less time to develop this skills.

We feel the demarcation between Prep/1/2 (Early Years) and 3-6 (Middle Years) provides a natural border in the program. Students in Prep to Year 2 will continue to use class sets of iPads.

Why the iPad? Why not a laptop/netbook/another brand of tablet?

There are many different forms that educational technology takes, all with their pros and cons. There is no “perfect” device. Over the last 10 years, Ashburton has explored desktops, laptops and iPads through a variety of different age groups. Through this, iPads have stood out due to

∗ ease of use

∗ reliability

∗ speed to start and operate

∗ low weight and portability

∗ large range of multipurpose applications

∗ build quality

∗ long battery life


What do parents need to be able to do?

iPads need to have the school profile installed. This can either be done at home following instructions, or done at by school staff at school. Information on this will be shared at the start of the school year.

What about families that can’t afford an iPad?

As with camps, uniforms and school fees, the school understands and has experience in working with families that encounter financial hardship. We would look to work with families in these situations and come to a positive outcome. Please contact us.

What about damage/liability?

The Department of Education  does not hold insurance for personal property brought to schools and it will not pay for any loss or damage to such property. Families will therefore require their own insurance for portable devices brought to school. Of course we will put into place means to reduce risks, including secure storage, guidelines on usage, safe work zones etc.

What if I do not want to participate in the program?

In 2024 we had over 95% of students participating in the program across Years 3,4 ,5 and 6. For those families who chose not to participate, school iPads will be available when required.  It is not compulsory to be part of the 1-1 program.

What about children using them inappropriately at school? How will that be managed?

As is the case currently, management of proper use would entail -

Education - The most important component is teaching students acceptable usage of technologies, the benefits of it in our lives and the pitfalls of incorrect use. In 2023 Ashburton Primary became an accredited eSmart School. The eSmart program is a framework for the school to work though with students, staff and parents on using technologies in a way that we are responsible digital citizens but also users who know how to keep safe online. Combined with this formal program, students in a 1-1 program will be co-creators of iPad Code of Conduct, the “rules” of usage.

Supervision - The Department of Education supplies internet monitoring that blocks most inappropriate content including games, chat rooms, social media and other nasties. No content blocker is 100% effective, and that’s when the education aspect comes into play where students learn what to do when they come across content they feel is not for them. In addition to network level controls, we also use Apple Classrooms, a management app that allows teachers to instantly see what is on each students’ iPad screen, to control which apps are opened and to lock them when required.

Consequences -  In accordance with the iPad Guidelines, consequences for misuse would be set and known for all users. As part of the philosophy of devices in the classroom, the use of iPads is a privilege, and misuse can result in suspension of that privilege for a period of time.

What about security?

We are acutely aware of the importance of security and safety when dealing with family owned devices. This proposal calls for the following -


  • iPads to be stored in lockable storage solutions from 8.45am inside classrooms
  • When not in use, iPads to be kept inside locked storage
  • When class not in classroom, classroom to be locked (when an external building)
  • iPads not used during recess or lunch, or during Wet Day timetables
  • Only the iPad owner, the teacher, and school technicians are allowed to operate that iPad.
  • iPads not to be used in the yard, or to or from school.
  • All iPads require appropriate protection (a case)


What’s the nitty gritty of how it works?


The iPad 1-1 program will operate in Years 3 ,4, 5 and 6 classrooms.

1-1 iPad Classrooms will be open for students to deposit their iPads from 8.45am each morning.

They will be stored in lockable storage units in a safe manner (not placed on top of each other). iPads will remained in storage unless their use is directed by a teacher. iPads will be locked in storage during recess and lunch. At the conclusion of the day, students will be directed to collected their iPads to transport home.

When in use, students will only use their own iPads and only their iPads. The only people who may touch/use a student’s iPad is the student themselves, teaching staff and school technicians. Students will use their iPads in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct.

This document should be read in conjunction with the Student Code of Conduct as well as the iPad Guidelines and FAQ.

The School will….

  • Provide secure storage of the devices during school hours
  • Provide internet access at school through the Dept of Education’s provision, including content filtering as supplied by the Department.
  • Provide appropriate educational applications and memberships as decided by the school for the period that the student attends Ashburton Primary School via the Mosyle management platform
  • Promote responsible use of technologies through such programs as eSmart etc to educate students on cybersafety
  • Enforce the Student Code of Conduct in a clear and consistent manner, following through with consequence as required
  • Will make sure our students have regular breaks from using their iPad
  • Provide support, whereas possible, to families requiring technical assistance in connecting to the school network and downloading apps and share information on managing the device. The school will use the Specialist Technician appointed to the school to assist in connecting devices to the eduStar wireless network and enrolling into the app management program.
  • Treat parents who may experience hardships financially with respect, dignity, sensitivity and without judgement and the identity and personal information of all parents are kept confidential

Parents will….

  • Be free to source a device that fits the requirements from any provider or source
  • Provide the device in an appropriate protective case
  • Ensure the device’s operating software is up to date
  • Ensure that the iPad is in good working order
  • Ensure that the iPad is charged each day
  • Ensure that there is no inappropriate materials, apps, media or software on the device
  • Be free to join the program or not, and also change their decision either way at a later date. Families either entering or leaving the program once it begins need to communicate this in writing to the school as a formality. For families that decline to participate in a 1-to-1 program on grounds other than financial hardship, Ashburton Primary School  shall  provide students access to a device with the required capabilities to complete planned learning tasks
  • Have access to support from Ashburton Primary School, if they are experiencing financial hardship and cannot reasonably participate due to finances, Ashburton Primary School will provide students with appropriate means to participate in the program.

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