School Contributions & Book Packs

The 2025 School Book packs list are now available via Compass.

In 2025, Ashburton Primary School  Book Packs will be supplied by Campion Education. There will be some variation between book packs depending on which year level your child is in for 2025.

Please note all Contributions are voluntary  and include the Information and Communication Technology, Library Fund, Building Maintenance Fund, Fundraising and School Support Contribution.

If you wish to discuss a flexible contribution arrangement for the 2024 School Contributions, please contact the Business Manager, Claire Bartlett, on (03) 9813 9400.

In 2025, Ashburton Primary School requests for school contributions are all voluntary. This decision will bring APS in line with the Department’s Parent Payment Policy that brings a stronger focus to transparency.

Parents can now pay for extra curricular events such as Swimming, Athletics, and Year 6 Sport etc. individually on Compass at the same time consent is supplied. Payment can be via credit card (Visa, MasterCard).

We would appreciate parent understanding as we transition through this new change. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to address queries to the Business Manager, Claire Bartlett, at or on (03) 9813 9400.

Camps, Sports and Excursion Fund (CSEF):

If you hold a current eligible Health Care/Pension Card and received the CSEF in 2024, you are automatically entitled to it in 2025. This enables $150.00 to be allocated against a sport, camp or excursion item.


Book Packs:

In 2025, the supply of materials to the classroom will look a little different.
Instead of parents paying a requisite fee and these bulk supplies being distributed in the classroom, families will order an individual book pack for each student. The schools choice of supplier is Campion Education, however, families are welcome to purchase their supplies from any business of their choosing, as long as it meets the specifications provided by the school. Book pack content lists can be made available upon request. There will be some variation between book packs depending on which year level your child is in for 2024.

To order through Campion Education, please click here
or via using the code XJFP.

Families will need to make an account to purchase their packs. It is better value to select Option A, however families are welcome to select whichever option suits their requirements best.

Please be aware all packs come with right handed scissors, but the school will substitute those for left handed as required.

Orders can still be placed after the due date by visiting or Retail Service Centre. Full stock availability cannot always be guaranteed for late orders.

We will be sharing with families instructions on how to organise and name these items before the end of the school year. All items will be expected to be brought on the first school day of 2024.

If you have any questions or require assistance in purchasing a pack, please do not hesitate to address queries to the Business Manager, Claire Bartlett, at or on (03) 9813 9400.