‘SMILE’ is the umbrella term we use to teach wellbeing, positive education and pro social behaviours at APS.
SMILE includes:
-School Wide Positive Education Support (SWPBS)
-Visible Wellbeing (VWB)
-Respectful Relationships (RR)
-Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) which also includes Koorie Education
Aligned with the Victorian Curriculum Personal & Social Capabilities and High Impact Wellbeing Strategies.
SMILE, our way to teach Positive Education, has adopted the SWPBS framework.
What is SWPBS?
School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) is a school-wide framework for developing and explicitly teaching appropriate and positive behaviours and responding to inappropraite behaviours. SWPBS comprises of a broad range of systemic and individualised strategies for achieving important student social and learning outcomes, while also preventing problem behaviour among students. Student behaviour data is recorded, analysed and used for decision making.
Teaching of Positive Behaviour
Each week, one of the positive behaviours on the Expected Behaviour Matrix (see below) is explicitly taught in all classrooms and settings across the school.
Acknowledgement of Positive Behaviours
Students displaying these positive behaviours are verbally acknowledged, being related back to the core expectation. At this time, the student is also given a Dojo point to add to one of the Whole School Reward boxes. At assembly, students who received a token are asked to stand and are thanked for demonstrating the expected behaviour and contributing to a whole school reward.
Whole School Reward
When one of the Whole School Rewards reaches the set amount of points, that whole school reward (voted by the students) is be carried out.
Individual Reward
Students who receive a certain amount of tokens/points/stickers/stamps will also receive individual rewards that have been tailored more specifically to appeal to individual students in each year level/class.

Visible Wellbeing
We are learning about how to make wellbeing more visible at Ashburton Primary. There are 6 pathways that contribute to our wellbeing. These include Strengths, Emotional Management, Attention & Awareness, Relationships, Coping and Habits & Goals.

In Term 1 and 2 we focused on Strengths. We have just completed our Strengths Milestone Marker as a school to display what we have learnt.
This term, we will introduce Emotional Management.
We are proud to announce that Ashburton Primary School has achieved Gold level of acknowledgement for implementing the essential features of tier 1 School-wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) with fidelity in 2022 and 2023. This recognition from the Department of Education has just come through to us as it takes a lot of time to go through each of the criteria and evidence.
It is wonderful to see the ongoing commitment of our school to creating a more positive and effective learning environment.
Super proud of everyone for playing their part in getting our school to this level-THANK YOU!
A special shout out the SWPBS Team, past and present!
The purpose of these awards is to identify schools that exemplify the highest level of systems, data, and practices in their implementation of SWPBS. This allows schools to be accurately identified as “PBS schools”.
The SWPBS Central Unit assesses schools as they progress through the implementation stages. The Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) is used to measure the extent to which school staff are applying the core features of SWPBS and ensuring the monitoring, evaluation, and reporting of SWPBS implementation is consistent with the Department’s Evaluation Strategy.
We have already been awarded blue and bronze and silver accreditation.... and now GOLD! Twice!