28 February 2025 / Ashy News February 28th 2025

From the Principal's Office

Justin Hone



Please check out the Calendar section to keep up to date with all the upcoming events for the term and the year. We will keep these updated and include as much detail as possible. 

School Council

The school council cycle is due to finish at the end of this term. We will more than likely require parent members to fulfil the necessary quota and I encourage everyone to consider offering their time and expertise to the group when we ask for parent nominations. Look out for a Compass newsfeed with more information later this term. 

Ashy Community Teams

This year saw the introduction of Ashy Community Teams (ACTs). ACTs are 6 groups that cover a range of school activities and areas which our students join on a termly basis. This term has been all about getting each group set up for the year as we explore how they will work. Already the groups have been responsible for 

  • running our fortnightly assemblies
  • opening the library during lunchtime for students
  • organising our paper recycling
  • creating posters to promote school events - Zooper Fridays, Footy Tips, Harmony Day
  • conducting school tours
  • greeting students at the gate
  • taking photos at assembly and Welcome Back Ashy
  • raising and lowering the flags in the plaza
  • distributing Zooper Doopers each Friday
  • choosing the bell music

There's more to come as we continue our ACTs journey!

Justin Hone Principal