07 March 2025 / Ashy News March 7th 2025

From the Principal

We've just come off a verrry long assembly but when it's filled with so many good things, I think it's worth it. Here's a run down of what was on - 

We started with acknowledging the new indigenous season of Luk by Kalinga and Jirra. They do an awesome job each time we enter a new season by describing what we are in for.

We then had our usual Acknowledgement of County, National Anthem and Values sections, before we were treated to a wonderfully electric performance of Cups by Kalinga and Anya

Taylor gave us an update on SMILE and how close we are to our next Whole School Reward (a movie!) before we celebrated the swimmers who represented us at District and Division levels. We heard about the upcoming Harmony Day, Leni, Jumoke and Ara told us about the good work the Gate Greeters are doing, and learned some more about two of our new teachers Miss V and Miss Hooper (they both love their dogs!). We continued the Colour Run push by drawing names to win prizes, awarded 3C with a special icy pole treat and then launched our new Container Deposit Scheme program. 


Liam and Anya told us about the Boroondara Photography and Literacy competitions that students can enter, members of our Specialist Team Mabel, Caitlin and Eliza invited Year 1/2 students to a special indoor soccer competition, whilst Veer and Henry informed everyone of the Footy Tipping competition (pick 9 and you get to pick the bell music!). 

A big crowd was there to see badges given out to JSC members, whilst we gave out the first Ashy Award to Taylor for her great efforts stepping up at District Swimming.

We run assemblies in the hall every fortnight on Fridays at 2pm. I encourage you to visit!