Enrolling at Ashburton Primary School

Before enrolling, we encourage you to take a school tour

Prep Storytime session will run during Term 2. To book a place, follow this link

When you're ready, follow the instructions below on how to digitally sign up to begin with us. 


In Victoria, your child has the right to attend their designated neighbourhood school (your ‘local school’) under the Education and Training Reform Act 2006.  You can also apply for a place at a school that is not your local school. The school will consider your application in line with the Placement Policy. For more information on the Placement Policy, visit https://www.vic.gov.au/how-choose-school-and-enrol

This year our school will use an online system for new enrolments in Victorian Government Schools. Your child must be 5 years old by 30 April in the year that they start school.

 The online system will be available for parents who are applying to enrol their child in Prep. An application form can be completed on laptops, PC’s and mobile phones. The online system will also allow you to upload documented proof of residential address.

 How do I enrol my child in their first year of primary school?

Take these steps to enrol your child in their first year of primary school:

  1. Find your local school on the Find my School website http://www.findmyschool.vic.gov.au/

2. Contact a government primary school to book a school tour.

3. Download the Foundation (Prep) enrolment information pack from  https://www.vic.gov.au/enrolling-foundation-prep

4. The link to apply for a place online at this school will be available on this site from the beginning of Term 2 (April 22, 2025). https://students.educationapps.vic.gov.au/s/

4. Submit an online enrolment application for Foundation by Friday 25 July 2025.

5. You will be notified of the outcome of your application between Monday 28 July and Friday 8 August 2025. If you receive an offer, you should accept the offer by Friday 22 August 2025. 6. Take part in enrolment information and transition sessions during Term 4 2025.

7. Your child will start Foundation from Wednesday 28 January 2026.

Digital Enrolment

  1. Register for an account
  2. Click the following link: https://students.educationapps.vic.gov.au/s/  This site will be available from April 22nd 2025
  3. Scroll down and select Register
  4. Read the acknowledgement and select Continue
  5. Enter the requested details
  6. A verification email will be sent to your inbox (check spam folder)
  7. Click the link that has been emailed to you to complete registration
  8. You will be prompted to set a new password
  9. Select Change Password
  10. You will land on the portal homepage

Enrolment Frequently Asked Questions

Website: findmyschool.vic.gov.au

1.      If I’m living in the Boundary Zone am I guaranteed a spot?

Yes, if you are living in the Boundary Zone , you are guaranteed enrolment.

 Visit www.findmyschool.vic.gov.au to check your designated local school.

2.      Can I still be offered a place later in the year even though I was unsuccessful in the first round?

It is possible that a few places may become available later in the year and we will contact the families who are the next closest to the boundary.

3.      Are siblings guaranteed a spot?

Currently, all siblings are guaranteed enrolment whilst the older sibling is enrolled at Ashburton PS. If the sibling has left the school or moved on to Secondary School and you are living outside the Boundary Zone, there is no guarantee of enrolment.

 4.      What is the process for out of zone applications?

If there are spaces available, we will contact families whose residence is the next closest to the Boundary Zone to see if they would like a place.

 5.      Can I apply at multiple schools?

With the new digital online enrolment process you can choose 3 government primary schools

6.      When do I find out if I’m accepted?

You will be sent an offer of enrolment via email  between Monday 28 July and Friday 8 August 2025. Follow the prompts in the Parent User guide for digital enrolment to accept or decline an offer.

Stay tuned for updates on the new process in place which allows families to complete an enrolment form online using the new 'Student Insight' program. This is a secure digital platform which digitises the enrolment process and has been assessed by the Department of Education.

No extra information required. Children are accepted on where they are living only. Must be where the child resides predominantly with split families.

School Tours for 2026 enrolment

School Tours for 2025 Prep enrolment

More Information