Physical Education

The PE curriculum focuses on the Fundamental Motor Skills, which are the ‘building blocks’ for more complicated sport and movement related actions. These skills are catch, run, vertical jump, overhand throw, ball bounce, leap, dodge, kick, forehand strike and two handed strike. Other areas covered include aquatics, gymnastics, sports skills, basic movement, outdoor adventure, games ball handling, fitness education and athletics.

Each class will have a weekly Physical Education session. Appropriate footwear (runners) and hats should be worn for safe participation in physical activity. Students should put these items on prior to the beginning of the session. Black school shoes are not to be worn in the gymnasium.


Special Events

  • Ashburton ‘Mini Olympics’ All
  • Triskills Gymnastic Program All
  • SSV State Trials Year 5-6
  • Swimming Lessons Prep- Year 4
  • Perceptual Motor Program Prep
  • Developmental PE Selected Year 1 students
  • Interschool Sport Year 6
  • Interschool Swimming Year 4-6
  • Interschool Cross Country Year 4-6
  • Hooptime Basketball Year 3-6
  • Interschool Athletics Year 4-6
  • Interschool Tennis Year 5

Mr Dean Worlley